

Given the pace of globalisation and the fragmentation of governance spheres in which we operate, the containment of your vulnerability and the prevention of crises demand a full understanding of your strategic environment. This includes structural aspects like stakeholders and their interests, legal facets like the lines between law and voluntary engagements, or cultural considerations like your corporate values.

Your communication should be adjusted accordingly by implementing concrete and immediate steps in order to reflect the responsible attitude the company gives itself.

Contact us

Our governance services

Stakeholder relations

Do you anticipate or already find yourself in a situation of increased public interest and scrutiny, with different actors, interests and expectations at play?

Map your surrounding ecosystem of stakeholders and relate to them in order to ponder different approaches and levels of commitment towards them. Minimize conflict and maximize congruence between interests.

Value positioning

Do you seek to enhance your public responsibility? Would providing your current engagements with a coherent normative framework further strengthen your credibility and authority?

Economic liberalization and deregulation have created the space and need for voluntary commitments on environmental, social and governmental or civic issues.

Change management

Are you managing an important change such as an evolving shareholder structure or a repositioning that is of interest to the larger public? But your task force does not yet include a public relations specialist?

Alongside legal, organizational or business considerations, the tone, timing and messages in your communications must not be ignored. Again, preparation is key!


Rather than a product or service, is your goal to not only give a clear understanding, but also to really pitch and create support for an idea, interest or position to interested target audiences?

The right key message, idea development and project management are the basics to assertive and large-scale awareness-raising action that can take place on the street, online or by means of an event.


Have you been observing the trends towards corporate reporting, reporting on sustainability matters and heard of integrated reporting but are put off by the effort or its yearly repetitiveness?

Rather than finding frustration in the process of collecting data and rearranging recycled bits and pieces of texts, make the report reflect the life, ideas and initiatives that underlie it, documented as they happen.

Let's get in touch

Offices:14, Place du ParcL-2313 Luxembourg
Tel.: + 352 621 397 951 Tel.: + 352 621 247 285


Public relations consultant at Oxygen & Partners


Looking for internships?


Oxygen proposes internships to students and graduates. If you identify yourself with Oxygen & Partners’ positioning, bring adequate qualifications, seek to learn from our team and work while making a meaningful contribution by applying your own knowledge and perspectives in public relations, do not hesitate to submit your application and your CV.

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